
Saturday 21 September 2013

Eid Ul Adha In Islam

To understand Eid ul Adha Qurbani and its significance you have to go many years back
When the main sacrifice was to make by the prophet Abrahim.
Its was mainly  start by prophet Muhammad(pbuh) as an essential religious custom in showing honour to prophet Abraham.

                                                      Sacrifice of the Prophet Abraham

One day he saw his dream that ALLAH is Ordering him to raise the foundation of kahba with a black stone
which is the most muslim shrine in maccca(saudu arabia)and the entire muslims face to this direction during their prayers.Abraham rush for maccca with his wife abd son Ishmael.Then at the unfriendly desert Abraham has to face diffferent difficulties to put that foundation.

one night he dreamt that ALLAH wanted a sacrifice of his most loving thing.He thought many time and came in a decision that nothing is dearer to him than his son. so he told that to his son.Ishmael was so much dedicated to ALLAH and also to his father.He agreed with his father and the exact moment when the Abraham was to sacrifice his son for ALLAHa lamb was sacrificed in place of Ishmael
from that day this day day is celebrated as a day of sacrifice from the dy of Hajj.


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